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Nasci em Lisboa em 1962, frequentei o Jardim-Escola João de Deus em Alvalade, a Escola Eugénio dos Santos, o Liceu Rainha D. Leonor e o Instituto Superior Técnico onde dou actualmente aulas. Desenvolvo o meu trabalho de investigação no INESC-ID. Sou casado tenho dois filhos e vivo na Portela.

Do You Have an Innovation Mindset?

Last month, I was at the University of Aalto in Helsinki to participate in activities related to entrepreneurship and innovation. This university is currently a reference in these…

Work Will Resume Within Moments

In an earlier chronicle, I have already mentioned the study by Sara Sarasvathy, who concluded that people identified as entrepreneurs more often use effective reasoning rather than the…

Mission Possible

Last week we received at Técnico teams of 3 projects in the proof-of-concept stage under the Erasmus+ IF4TM project. This project aims to create a framework for the…

Lego Blocks

One of my last week’s tasks was to edit videos with testimonials from students of this semester’s edition of the LLP@Técnico program. Lean LaunchPad is an entrepreneurial teaching…

How to think like an innovator

Entrepreneurs and innovators prefer effectual reasoning over causal reasoning. Nearly a month has gone by since the start of this semester’s classes and a good part of my…

5 ideas for memorable presentations

How to make better presentations making use of the two systems of the cognitive processes. A group of former entrepreneurship students told me recently that one of the…

Slush 2017, Helsinki

“Lean Startup”: Uma Nova Dieta para Emagrecer?

Passadas duas semanas sobre a Web Summit, o leitor já deve estar quase recuperado do bombardeamento mediático onde a palavra startup apareceu, pelo menos, uma vez em cada…