Smart Objects

Deciding on the basis of intuition is efficient, quick, and saves us from having to give justifications, but it has some drawbacks.

Scaling Up

Imagine that, after receiving the compliments about the quality of the dessert you prepared for your guests, you wonder if the secret of how to make these pastries could please many more people and, who knows, serve as the basis for a profitable business.

The art of strategic alliances

In the case of collaboration between universities and companies, it is easy to find a set of common goals: the need for more and better talent, the advantage of contact between students and future employers…

What an August Creation, that of the City!

A city of two million inhabitants has 2.4 times more patents than a city of one million. This factor holds for any city size: whenever we double the number of inhabitants, the number of patents per inhabitant increases by 20%.

Punctuating emotions

New generations follow coherent strategies in the use of punctuation if we include the repetition of symbols and emojis in it.

The independent observer

Conflict of interest was the subject of a panel I was invited to at this year’s edition of the Science and Technology Transfer Professionals (ASTP) conference.

Woke up with a business idea?

Knowing that the main reason for startups to fail is the lack of market for their product, you decide to use the customer development methodology created by Steve Blank to do the initial validation of your idea.

Caderno de significados

Innovation is the multi-stage process whereby organizations transform knowledge into a successful business model.

An Experiment in Africa

In many regions of the world being an entrepreneur is a necessity and not a dream


The linking of ideas has long been used in academic articles where authors recognize the contribution of previous works.