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Drinking straws and atents

Patents were created to promote the dissemination of knowledge and to give incentives to the inventor: in exchange for making public all the details of the invention, the State gives 20 years of exclusive rights to exploit it.

Prisoners, Universities, and Companies

The prisoner’s dilemma is a well-known example of a game studied in game theory in which two rational players do not cooperate, even though cooperation is the best…

Just Finished the Exams, What Now?

This is the time of year when, after completing their exams, many young people have to make decisions about their future. I don’t know if the reader belongs…

Challenges and Opportunities

What are the characteristics of an innovation mindset? And what steps have to be taken from the genesis of an idea to its implementation in an innovative solution?

There’s Life Beyond a GPA

For six years I have been spending one Saturday per semester at Técnico in an event named Pitch Bootcamp where about 200 specialists in human resources and Técnico…

Do You Have an Innovation Mindset?

Last month, I was at the University of Aalto in Helsinki to participate in activities related to entrepreneurship and innovation. This university is currently a reference in these…

Work Will Resume Within Moments

In an earlier chronicle, I have already mentioned the study by Sara Sarasvathy, who concluded that people identified as entrepreneurs more often use effective reasoning rather than the…

5 ideas for memorable presentations

How to make better presentations making use of the two systems of the cognitive processes. A group of former entrepreneurship students told me recently that one of the…

O CEO, o Reitor e o Ministro

Um artigo meu na revista Ingenium da Ordem dos Engenheiros dedicada ao tema da inovação, onde defendo a importância dos direitos de propriedade intelectual na transferência do conhecimento…